







街头节日是使我们的家乡与众不同的活动. 从Manteo的Dare Day到Murphy的春节, 这些活动为市民和游客提供了极大的娱乐. 食物、活动、工艺品和娱乐吸引着来自各地的人们来到市中心!

每当一大群人聚集在一起, 人们有可能生病或受伤. 例如, 在公路赛跑中,赛跑者可能会被绊倒, children could have an awkward fall in a moon bounce or cut fingers while working on crafts, 老老少少的人群都可能因为小贩而食物中毒, 以及其他无数的可能性.

通常是在受伤的时候, the injured party looks to the municipality to be responsible for any medical bills incurred as well as additional compensation. 市政当局往往不承担任何责任, 事实上,还有另一个实体对此负有责任. 确保识别正确的实体, be sure to properly document responsibilities with all vendors and sponsors prior to the event. Keep signed agreements so there will be no dispute as to who is responsible and will respond should a claim be reported.

街头节日是一个城市身份的重要组成部分. 一定要尽你所能确保所有客人和参与者的安全. 最重要的是,祝你玩得愉快!


The NC League of Municipalities' Health Benefits Trust is excited to welcome 42 新 employer group members for the 2018-19 plan year!

自1984年以来, the Health Benefits Trust has been the 只有 member-owned health insurance pool in North Carolina dedicated to municipal employer group health benefits.


  • 各种规模的团队,从1名员工到1000多名员工
  •  Fully-insured plans, HDHPs, self-insured plans, and other fully-customizable options in between
  •  365足彩下载成员和其他地方政府机构从墨菲到曼特奥

Thank you to our members 新 and old – We're Here and looking forward to working with you! 如果您对保险范围、理赔或其他任何问题有任何疑问,请提问 365体育足彩.


偶尔,会员会发现他们没有投保某些东西. 可悲的是,这一发现往往是在失去亲人之后才意识到的. 为了防止未投保的损失,请使用以下信息和清单:

属性: 365足彩下载财产 & 伤亡信托基金 & 个人财产保险是“地毯式”的,但是 只有 对于你日程表上列出的项目. 在里面通知我们很重要 30天 当获得或正在建造新的建筑物时.

真正的 & 个人财产 有一个 30天 报告宽限期 收购,但只能以最高价值 $500,000 -每栋建筑,最大值为 $250,000 商务个人财产(内容). 新的属性应该立即添加,否则你可能会忘记! Also keep in mind- when renovations or additions increase the replacement cost of the structure and the insurance values need to be increased.

结构的例子 一般 被保险人: 建筑物和内容设施,如市政厅,警察局,水 & 污水处理厂、工务大厦、升降机站、水井 & 泵, 电力变电站, 水塔, 仓库或设备棚, 静止的发电机, 公园 & 矩形结构(年代).


______电梯站或井-你有多少? 你的日程安排有多少?

______Park Structures: Gazebos, Playground Equipment, Park Lights, Dugouts, Scoreboards,


______WTP & WWTP:你必须列出每一个 你想要保险的结构——不仅仅是主要的

结构(年代). 发电机? 棚屋? 坦克? 围栏外有泵或结构吗?

______水塔或水缸:检查你的时间表,确保它们都被列出. 谁

拥有它? 谁负责投保?

______Public Works: Main building as well as all the equipment sheds and storage buildings!






通常投保的移动设备的例子: 挖土机,履带式锄头,拖拉机,船, 移动 发电机, 下水道喷射器或下水道相机, 挖掘机, 自行式平地机, 沟女巫, 叉车, 推土机, 布什猪, 测速拖车, 叶休假, 割草机, 山猫, ATV, 高尔夫球车, 木材削片机, 警察的自行车, 生命之爪, 空气压缩机, 蚊子的喷雾机, 瓦克封隔器, 枪支, 收音机, 相机, 去纤颤器, 对讲机, 空气包, 雷达枪.

内陆水运 保险范围有 30天 报告宽限期 收购——但只到 $50,000 价值,仅适用于与您目前投保的物品相似的物品.

租来的设备: 有时小镇需要租用或借用一件设备(挖土机), 或车辆(便衣警车), 车载式吊车, 垃圾车, 夏令营巴士或面包车). If the rental agreement says that the Town is responsible for damage to the item during the rental term- send a change request. We can insure the item and issue a Certificate to the Rental Company or the person lending you the item. It is important that you indicate on the change request the date you will take possession of the item and the date you will return it.

车辆: 每年至少和部门主管检查一次你的日程安排. 这可能有助于你分配你的财产,设备 & 自动向部门主管发送时间表,以验证它们是否正确-它们应该有日期 & 签了字再寄给你,这样你就可以更新你的续订计划了.

自动物理伤害 有一个 30天 报告宽限期 acquisitions – however 新 vehicles should be added immediately otherwise you could forget!

Our underwriters are available to assist you with a 报道 or schedule review should you need assistance. 联络我们: underwriting@joanrobots.net 如果有任何问题!



The North Carolina General Assembly recently enacted the 25年执法人员退休选择. The bill allows local governments to offer separation buyouts to law enforcement officers; the payment of the buyout to be added to the transfer benefit; and law enforcement officers to retire with a reduced benefit before the age of 50 with 25 years of service. The option for employers to pay for separation buyouts for law enforcement officers began on June 22, 2018. The ability to apply for a reduced retirement benefit with 25 years of service as a law enforcement officer does not become effective until July 1, 2019. It is important to understand the recent legislative changes as questions may arise from law enforcement officers.

This legislation allows state and local governments to offer separation buyouts to law enforcement officers who leave employment prior to reaching eligibility for separation allowance. There are two ways that law enforcement officers qualify to receive separation allowance. 第一个, 军官已完成30年或以上的荣誉服务, or secondly attained 55 years of age and completed five or more years of creditable service. 它除了满足上述两个标准外, the officer must be younger than 62 years of age and completed at least five years of continuous service as a law enforcement officer immediately preceding a service retirement.

那么可信服务是如何定义的呢? Creditable service is credit that is allowed under the retirement system of which the officer is a member, 前提是至少50%的服务是由执法人员完成的. 例如, if an employee under the age of 50 is a contributing member of the retirement system in a non-law enforcement officer capacity for 10 years, 然后成为一名贡献成员作为执法人员15年, 该官员将有资格获得25年的退休选择权. 一般, this legislation will be most advantageous for those law enforcement officers aged 45-49 as reduced retirement is already available to those over the age of 50.

如果官员选择在服务25年退休,市政当局有 option 支付离职买断. The amount cannot exceed what the separation allowance would have been under the existing special separation allowance laws. Employers considering paying buyouts should have a standard internal policy in place before paying out any special separation.

另外, if a law enforcement officer under the age of 50 decides to retire early with 25 years of service, 这名军官的退休金将会减少. 减少的数额取决于规约中规定的几个因素. Officers interested in the final reduced retirement amount are encouraged to talk directly with the Local Government Employees Retirement System (LGERS).

Lastly, the legislation allows for employers to pay the buyout directly to the Transfer Benefit. 目前, the Transfer Benefit allows contributing members the ​option to transfer North Carolina 401(k) or North Carolina 475b funds to the retirement system to receive an additional monthly benefit. 根据这项立法, the Transfer Benefit now allows qualified law enforcement officers that choose the 25-year retirement, the option to establish a separate lifetime monthly benefit payment with the buyout funds from the employer. 

如果您对新法规有其他问题, 请365体育足彩的人力资源顾问, 哈特韦尔莱特 hwright@NCLM.org  或者希瑟·詹姆斯 hjames@NCLM.org,也可以直接联系地方公务员退休制度.